Gracie Mae Events

Blushing Romance Bouquet


Delicate, charming, and filled with love, the Blushing Romance Bouquet is the perfect way to express affection and appreciation. This stunning arrangement features soft roses, peach-toned blooms, delicate wax flowers, and fresh eucalyptus, all beautifully arranged in a deep red vase. Accented with a romantic ribbon and a heartfelt wooden “love” sign, this bouquet is ideal for Valentine’s Day, anniversaries, birthdays, or simply to brighten someone’s day.

Handcrafted with love by Gracie Mae Florists, this bouquet captures the essence of romance and elegance, making it a timeless gift for someone special. Please note flowers and ribbon may vary due to availability.




Delicate, charming, and filled with love, the Blushing Romance Bouquet is the perfect way to express affection and appreciation. This stunning arrangement features soft roses, peach-toned blooms, delicate wax flowers, and fresh eucalyptus, all beautifully arranged in a deep red vase. Accented with a romantic ribbon and a heartfelt wooden “love” sign, this bouquet is ideal for Valentine’s Day, anniversaries, birthdays, or simply to brighten someone’s day.

Handcrafted with love by Gracie Mae Florists, this bouquet captures the essence of romance and elegance, making it a timeless gift for someone special. Please note flowers and ribbon may vary due to availability.

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