Gracie Mae Events

Rose Trio


Sometimes, simplicity speaks the loudest. The Rose Trio is a refined and sophisticated floral arrangement featuring three exquisite roses, delicately accented with lush greenery and soft filler florals. Arranged in a sleek, modern glass vase with a touch of decorative wrap, this bouquet embodies love, admiration, and timeless beauty.

Perfect for anniversaries, Valentine’s Day, birthdays, or just because, this minimalist yet striking design is ideal for those who appreciate the elegance of classic romance. Whether you’re expressing love, gratitude, or admiration, this graceful bouquet delivers the message beautifully.




Sometimes, simplicity speaks the loudest. The Rose Trio is a refined and sophisticated floral arrangement featuring three exquisite roses, delicately accented with lush greenery and soft filler florals. Arranged in a sleek, modern glass vase with a touch of decorative wrap, this bouquet embodies love, admiration, and timeless beauty.

Perfect for anniversaries, Valentine’s Day, birthdays, or just because, this minimalist yet striking design is ideal for those who appreciate the elegance of classic romance. Whether you’re expressing love, gratitude, or admiration, this graceful bouquet delivers the message beautifully.

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