Gracie Mae Events

Fresh Roses


Product Description:

Elevate any occasion with the timeless elegance of our Classic Red Rose Bouquet. Featuring a generous arrangement of premium red roses, this stunning bouquet symbolizes love, passion, and sophistication. Each rose is carefully hand-picked from the finest farms and beautifully arranged with lush green foliage. Perfect for romantic gestures, anniversaries, or simply to brighten someone’s day, this bouquet is a heartfelt expression of your emotions. Delivered in a sleek glass vase, it’s ready to dazzle upon arrival.




Product Description:

Elevate any occasion with the timeless elegance of our Classic Red Rose Bouquet. Featuring a generous arrangement of premium red roses, this stunning bouquet symbolizes love, passion, and sophistication. Each rose is carefully hand-picked from the finest farms and beautifully arranged with lush green foliage. Perfect for romantic gestures, anniversaries, or simply to brighten someone’s day, this bouquet is a heartfelt expression of your emotions. Delivered in a sleek glass vase, it’s ready to dazzle upon arrival.

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Weight N/A

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1 Dozen Long Stem, 18 Long Stem, 2 Dozen Long Stem


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