Gracie Mae Events

Timeless Love Rose Arrangement


Celebrate romance and elegance with our Timeless Love Rose Arrangement. This bouquet is a classic symbol of love, admiration, and passion. It features a dozen premium long-stemmed red roses beautifully arranged with lush greenery and delicate filler accents. Presented in a sleek glass vase, this arrangement makes the perfect gift for Valentine’s Day, anniversaries, birthdays, or any heartfelt occasion.

This exquisite arrangement is crafted with care by Gracie Mae Florists to leave a lasting impression. Whether you’re expressing love, gratitude, or admiration, these radiant roses will surely make your special someone feel cherished.




Celebrate romance and elegance with our Timeless Love Rose Arrangement. This bouquet is a classic symbol of love, admiration, and passion. It features a dozen premium long-stemmed red roses beautifully arranged with lush greenery and delicate filler accents. Presented in a sleek glass vase, this arrangement makes the perfect gift for Valentine’s Day, anniversaries, birthdays, or any heartfelt occasion.

This exquisite arrangement is crafted with care by Gracie Mae Florists to leave a lasting impression. Whether you’re expressing love, gratitude, or admiration, these radiant roses will surely make your special someone feel cherished.

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Weight N/A

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1 Dozen Long Stem, 18 Long Stem, 2 Dozen Long Stem, 3 Dozen Long Stem


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