Gracie Mae Events

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Blush Elegance Rose Arrangement


A stunning arrangement of soft pink roses and fresh greenery, elegantly displayed in a glass vase for a timeless and

Blush Elegance Rose Arrangement

A stunning arrangement of soft pink roses and fresh greenery, elegantly displayed in a glass vase for a timeless and sophisticated look.


Blushing Romance Bouquet


A romantic bouquet of soft pink roses and delicate blooms, arranged in a deep red vase and accented with a

Blushing Romance Bouquet

A romantic bouquet of soft pink roses and delicate blooms, arranged in a deep red vase and accented with a “love” charm—perfect for any heartfelt occasion.


Eternal Love Rose Arrangement


A romantic arrangement of deep red roses and elegant greenery, presented in a stylish ceramic “love” vase—perfect for celebrating love

Eternal Love Rose Arrangement

A romantic arrangement of deep red roses and elegant greenery, presented in a stylish ceramic “love” vase—perfect for celebrating love and special occasions.


Fresh Roses


A luxurious arrangement of premium red roses in a glass vase, perfect for any occasion.

Fresh Roses

A luxurious arrangement of premium red roses in a glass vase, perfect for any occasion.

  • This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

Love in Bloom – Valentines Day


A romantic hand-tied bouquet of roses, lilies, and seasonal blooms, beautifully wrapped and adorned with a heartfelt “love” accent—perfect for

Love in Bloom – Valentines Day

A romantic hand-tied bouquet of roses, lilies, and seasonal blooms, beautifully wrapped and adorned with a heartfelt “love” accent—perfect for special occasions.

  • This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

Timeless Love Rose Arrangement


A stunning bouquet of premium long-stemmed red roses with lush greenery, elegantly arranged in a glass vase—perfect for any romantic

Timeless Love Rose Arrangement

A stunning bouquet of premium long-stemmed red roses with lush greenery, elegantly arranged in a glass vase—perfect for any romantic occasion.

  • This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
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